Quickline’s inaugural ATL campaign strikes gold

East Yorkshire-based Quickline Communications joined forces in 2023 with Theodore Communications, Powerhouse, Alchemy Media and Sowden & Sowden for their first above the line push featuring Olympians, Alistair and Jonny Brownlee to grow prompted awareness of the brand, increase customer sales and ultimately, position Quickline as a community champion. 

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May 24, 2024

Production Strategy


Take a peak at the first TV ad

The brief

Quickline wanted to show rural communities across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire that finally a broadband provider was on their side. 

To overcome this, the brand engaged Theodore Communications to create, deliver and co-ordinate an integrated marketing campaign, leveraging a year-long partnership with Olympic champions the Brownlee Brothers to increase awareness and achieve ambitious new customer targets. 

Theodore Communications created a local area marketing campaign strategy centred on two TV commercials featuring the two trusted Yorkshire lads, showing people they can switch to fast, reliable broadband with confidence. 

We were tasked to produce all ATL and BTL content for their client, including TV, radio, traditional and digital OOH, and social. 

The challenges

From a production perspective, there were some clear challenges, the biggest one being talent availability. The Brownlee Brothers, being high-profile athletes, have tight schedules packed with training, competitions, and personal commitments. We were made aware that we only had access to them for 4 days in the whole year, which, given the campaign kick-off timing, could only be the first week in April. This meant we had just two weeks from brief to shoot. 

Coordinating with them required serious planning to ensure that all necessary footage was captured within the limited time they were available, meaning every minute had to be used efficiently, leaving little room for delays or reshoots. 

In addition to scheduling constraints, the weather proved to be another significant hurdle. True to the unpredictability of British weather at that time of year, we faced less-than-ideal conditions during the shoot.  

Finally, the chosen sports centre presented its own set of logistical challenges too. Being a busy facility, it was already hosting various activities and events. To minimise disruption, our team had to be exceptionally flexible and adaptive.  

Our approach

The campaign was filmed on location in Yorkshire.

Our CEO, Neil Adams, comments “This was a great campaign to be involved with. The entire shoot was produced within a 15-mile radius of Yorkshire; a testament to our commitment to sustainability and supporting local initiatives. As a Northern creative content biz, we embrace our heritage and infuse the ‘don’t settle’ attitude into everything we do. This is a great example of how collaboration and clever production strategy can deliver a ‘through the line’ content campaign in a single production window.” 

Our approach was multifaceted and highly collaborative. We worked extremely closely with all other agencies involved in the project—Theodore Communications, Alchemy Media, and Sowden & Sowden. This ensured that all content needs were met efficiently, with no time wasted and no duplication of efforts. By aligning our strategies and maintaining open lines of communication, we were able to streamline the production process and optimise resource use. 

Due to the unpredictable weather, we had to rearrange the schedule on the fly. Having all the sets on site for one part of the shoot, allowed us to quickly swap locations and continue filming without delays. This flexibility was crucial to keep us on track. 

While virtual production was considered, it was ultimately not feasible within the client’s budget. Nevertheless, we maximised the potential of our on-site resources. By shooting both TV ads and all BTL content over the span of four days, we captured a comprehensive range of material that would serve the client for the next 12 months. This approach involved filming both stills and video content simultaneously to suit a multitude of mediums and channels. 

We ensured that all post-production was handled in-house, including VO work. By maintaining control over the entire production pipeline, from inception to delivery, we were able to deliver high-quality content on time and within budget, while maintaining creative consistency and integrity throughout. 

Our production strategy not only demonstrated our commitment to sustainability and local engagement but also showcased our ability to deliver high-quality, versatile content efficiently. By leveraging local resources, maintaining strong collaborative relationships, and being adaptable in the face of challenges, we successfully executed a robust and effective content campaign. 


In the end, we delivered a total of 100 assets (2 TVCs in 30” and 10”, 60 stills, 2 cinema ads, 4 digital displays ads, 4 OOH ads, 2 radio ads and 24 social ads).

In terms of awareness, the two campaign bursts from 7th June–10th August and 18th September–30thNovember delivered over 10 million impressions across TV, radio, cinema, and video on demand platforms. Plus, digital performance delivered a further 950,000 video views. Positively, research negotiated with ITV research showed TV ad recall was over 30% amongst the group exposed to campaign, with 54% of those asked saying ‘Quickline is reliable’ and 38% saying it’s ‘better than other broadband providers’. 

The campaign helped deliver a 3-fold increase year on year. With a 32% growth in sales specifically over the campaign period.

Finally, the campaign was also awarded at the 2024 Prolific North Champions Awards in the category, B2C Marketing Campaign of the Year. 


Video views


Growth in sales



Who worked on this one

This project wouldn't have been possible without our awesome team!